Comments from E.T. Encounters Regression with Laurie McDonald Open Minds

11 months

and ancient multidimensional event


about 1 year

Thank you!!!


over 1 year

You should watch this ๐Ÿ˜Œ


over 1 year

loveing this gaia app โœŒโค๐ŸŒ๐Ÿ‘ฝ๐ŸŒŒ


about 2 years

Why is going to the white light “tricky” sometimes or not the best move? What’s the “trick”? Please explain.


almost 2 years

Thanks for the answer.


about 2 years

It could be a facade, a form of deception, to enslave, always ask questions, why are you here, what do you want from me, why me, who are you, if the responses are not satisfactory, you have found the trick, and you can decide whether or not to continue


about 2 years

what an incredible interview! absolutely enlightening.

about 2 years

Wonderful, Regina! Please invite this woman on again. So much to learn from her experiences!

Individual from Australia

about 2 years



about 2 years

Thanks, pls have her again blessings to you (O:

Individual from Australia

about 2 years

A must


about 2 years

Such an interesting talk!! Time did fly on this one, hope to see her again ๐Ÿ™‚

Individual from Australia

about 2 years

There is no time as it goes past so quickly


about 2 years

very interesting and empowering episode ! thank you


about 2 years

absolutely outstanding interview. what an incredible self possessed woman. wish this could have lasted longer. please have her on again. I will learn more about her services also…. I would love to have her regress me.


about 2 years

Hi everyone, sorry i just have something important to add, off topic, and this new episode seems like a noticable place.
When wer all looking after each other and working together towards our goal, you dont have to worry about looking to download information from source or manifesting things for yourselves that i can see in the main journey. Everything you need will come very naturally and..


about 2 years

i love being human living on Earth. I appreciated the fact that each of these women, Regina & Laurie made a point of recognizing the value in being human living & living here as well


about 2 years

brilliant documentary , most educational information on self empowerment regarding ets and us


about 2 years

I agree. I could watch this interview for hours! And I knew Crestone was being mentioned minutes before hand. What a trip! But I guess it’s the town I live in. Ha! This interview was spot on. Thank you for your work Regina, Laurie. Awesome!!


about 2 years

Yes please…more episodes!


about 2 years

Thanks very much. On the notion of body as “Vessel for the Soul or Consciousness”, as a dualistic dynamic… There are other perspectives. In Buddhism, for example, the two are intertwined as ONE, a Bodymind. A non-duality. At death, the Soul hasn’t left the vessel, the body. BodyMind has left. What remains behind simply is a dead body


about 2 years

Resonated with me so much: do not fear, claim your superiority over them, be assured they will leave you alone if you do. Do not FEAR. Interesting our current leaders want us in constant fear these days.


about 2 years



about 2 years

This is the stature of a hu=man being that evolves when fear is not a factor. Bravo Laurie.


about 2 years

that was my exact thought. I wish that interview could have lasted for hours.


about 2 years

Excellent love listening to the both of you very genuine lady


about 2 years

give this woman a show 10 episodes…. i want to hear every detail she has on all the aliens, greys, reptilians, blues, talls, etc….


about 2 years

I agree ๐Ÿ™‚


about 2 years

I agree…. fellow Canadian with a passion for service and change. <3