Meditation and guided meditation can be approached in many different ways, whatever your motivation for meditation, the one common benefit is a unifying healthful and loving experience of the inner-self. Some scientist are calling this the fourth state of consciousness. They measure this energy by using a sophisticated EEG, the mind mirror, and found a fifth brain wave signature on the readout were the lines were symmetrical with ALPHA WAVES and some THETA WAVES. This was the result of a calm, detached MIND. Detachment is only “not “being emotionally involved to the out come of a situation or event that you cannot control, by letting go of that energy we achieve balance, allowing us to think clearly, and to move through your life with a sense of inner- peace. The calm energy that settles in you brings a variety of health benefits. Allowing most blocks in your electromagnetic field to relax and flow.
Now imagine if you approached all of life’s problems with this state of clarity and calm, it’s not hard to see how much different things would be, if we didn’t react or become upset by the things we couldn’t control. How different does it really feel to be in this state? Well, I asked this question to some of my meditation students, and this is what they said.
- a sense of self acceptance
- a sense of peace and inner joy
- the ability to better nourish and nurture their body
- a more positive attitude
- a increased awareness of love
! could not have asked for any better reply. My hope is that everyone reading my blog for weight management and anxiety or stress of ant kind, will first adopt this daily practice to help achieve their own personal health goals.